After a week went by, we headed back to Tennessee. This time we had to take the car because the RV was in the shop. Since we couldn't stay in the coach while it was being worked on, we got to stay at the Gaylord Opryland. When we walked in it was the biggest hotel I have ever seen, and probably one of the coolest I will ever see.

As soon as we got past the lobby, there was a restaurant, pond, and two waterfalls. Then, it was time to head to our room. At first we got lost because the place was so big. The hallways felt like they were endless. So, when we got lost it was towards the end of the hallway, and then we had to walk all the way back. After 5 minutes or so, we found our room.
When we found our room, we went to go find some dinner. We went to the pizza place in the small restaurant area. There was a pizza place, coffee shop, cinnabon, Auntie Annie's, and a small gift shop. The cheese pizza was really good. Once we finished eating our pizza, we explored a little bit, but the place was so big, we got lost and then had to find our way back.
The next day I had school, and we didn't do much that day except for exploring more. We also had to see if we could find a printer because I had to print some of my school work. It took us a couple try's to get it to work, but we were able to find a printer and print everything that I needed.

It was the next day, and I also had school, but in the afternoon we were doing something fun. It was called Mission Save Elf. It was apart of the Gaylord Opryland activities. When we got there, we were a little bit early so we had to wait. While we were waiting, we watched the snow tubing that they had and the ice skating. After 10 minutes went by, we walked into mission save elf. Inside before you entered the had a small train for little kids and a build a bear. I made a Christmas bear before we started the Mission Save Christmas at Build-A-Bear. When we went into the mission save Christmas, there were a bunch of games that you could play, and when you got to the end you could throw snowballs at the screen and have a virtual snowball fight with the elves! Once we finished mission save elf, we walked around a little bit more and then went to bed.

The next day I had school again, and then I finished a little bit earlier that day so me and my dad went to go get a snack while my mom was finishing up work. After my mom finished up work, we left to go check on the RV.
As soon as we got back to the hotel, we went to go get dinner at Paula Deans. I definitely over stuffed my self with all of the food. My favorite part were the ooey gooey butter cakes. We got the box that had the recipe in it because they were so good. After that we got tickets to go see the Grand Ole Opry!
At first I wasn't sure what to expect, but when the show started I loved it. When we got there, my mom surprised me and got me a poster from the people who were performing that night and the date of the night we were there. As soon as we left to walk back to the hotel I asked when are we going back. It wasn't a long walk back to the hotel, and we probably needed the walk after Paula Dean's anyways.

The next day I heard we were staying an extra few days at the Gaylord Opryland because something went wrong with my moms car, so it had to go to the shop. I was super excited, but I don't know if my mom and dad were as excited as me.
Stay tuned for part three of us being in Nashville part three!