After the Extraterrestrial Highway we headed towards Las Vegas.
We decided that instead of finding a campground in Vegas we could stay at a hotel for a couple of nights to take a break form the van. We booked a hotel at The Cosmopolitan. It was very pretty and nice inside. If you are ever in Vegas and need a hotel this is the place. If you want to check it out, here is the link:
We got a room with a deck. At night it was a nice site. All of the building lights were pretty. One of my favorite restaurants was there also. Inn and Out Burger. When it was night time I was able to get a great photo of the sign!

The next day we were exploring Vegas. Where the hotel was, we could walk to most of the places. On food Network, there is a show called Vegas Cakes. The bakery name is Freed's Bakery. For breakfast we were able to go there. The food was amazing! You can check it out here:
Once we ate there, we headed back to the hotel to take a rest break. Then, after that we went to explore the city a little bit more. That almost took up a whole day. For dinner we got to go to Inn-N-Out burger!! It was really good. If you are in an area where there is an Inn-N-Out Burger, here is the link:

Afterwards we walked around a little bit more. When we were walking we saw this guy. He was spray painting. The way he did it was cool. He kept doing layers with it. He had stencils, so that way he would have the ability just to spray the whole canvas and not just the fine details in it.
The next day, we did visit the Neon Graveyard, but I can't post anything on it because of their rights and that's how they make their money. For breakfast we had delicious donuts. At the hotel there was a ton of restaurants downstairs. One of the nights we got some pizza from a hidden place that you will definitely miss if you aren't looking very well. Plus, there is no name to it. Someone actually has to tell you about it. The donuts were also from downstairs. Here is a photo of them.

That night we got to see the fountains. They went with the music. It was really pretty. They were called The Fountains of Bellagio.

After that, we checked out of the hotel. It was time to leave Las Vegas. That is it for now. Next up is Grand Canyon! Stay tuned, and have a Merry Christmas!
#Vegas #city #crosscountry #roadtrip #bakery @freedsbakery @theneonmuseumlasvegas @neonmuseum #donuts